Connecticut and
Emotional Support Animals

Connecticut ESA Laws

To obtain an emotional support animal (ESA) letter online in Connecticut, you'll need to engage in a consultation with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP). This consultation must be live or in-person to be considered valid. Only an LMHP authorized to practice in Connecticut can assess your eligibility for an emotional support animal.

Connecticut State Flag

To obtain an emotional support animal (ESA) letter online in Connecticut, you'll need to engage in a consultation with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP). This consultation must be live or in-person to be considered valid. Only an LMHP authorized to practice in Connecticut can assess your eligibility for an emotional support animal.


Online platforms like MyPetCerts offer convenient telemedicine visits that facilitate this process. Without leaving your home, you can connect with one of our LMHPs today. If deemed eligible for an emotional support animal, you'll receive a digital copy of your ESA letter.


Our streamlined process involves a 3-minute assessment, followed by a consultation with a therapist matched to your state. You'll receive your ESA letter within 24 hours of approval, with some exceptions for residents of California, Arkansas, and Montana, who require a 30-day waiting period.


Emotional Support Animals in Connecticut:

For Connecticut residents diagnosed with mental or emotional disabilities, an emotional support animal can provide valuable assistance. These animals can help alleviate symptoms associated with various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, and others.


Animal-assisted therapy has shown therapeutic benefits for individuals coping with these disorders. Emotional support animals offer companionship and relief from symptoms, contributing to improved mental well-being.


To obtain an ESA prescription in Connecticut, a licensed mental health provider or medical professional must issue an ESA letter. This letter serves to protect against housing discrimination and exempts individuals from paying pet deposits.


ESA Laws in Connecticut: 

In Connecticut, emotional support animals are not automatically permitted in public places, unlike service animals. However, some establishments may accommodate your companion animal if you present a valid ESA letter. Airlines, employers, and venue owners/managers have discretion in this regard. If denied entry, you must comply with their decision or seek pet-friendly alternatives.


Federal and state housing legislation protects emotional support animals in Connecticut. The Fair Housing Act mandates reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, allowing ESAs to reside with their owners regardless of pet policies. ESA letters waive pet fees and breed/weight restrictions imposed by landlords.


Qualifying for an ESA in Connecticut:

An LMHP licensed in Connecticut assesses eligibility for an emotional support animal. Qualifying conditions include anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, agoraphobia, and postpartum depression. The ESA must alleviate symptoms of the mental health disorder to qualify.


Connecticut ESA Housing Laws:

The Fair Housing Act and Connecticut Fair Housing & Employment Act protect ESA rights in housing. Landlords must provide reasonable accommodation, allowing ESAs in no-pet buildings and exempting them from pet-related policies, fees, and deposits.


Obtaining a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) Letter in Connecticut:

PSDs require specific training to assist with a disability. Consult with a therapist or psychiatrist in Connecticut for a PSD letter. Online services like MyPetCerts can connect you with an LMHP. Note that eligibility for a PSD may differ from that of an ESA.