Hawaii and
Emotional Support Animals

Hawaii ESA Laws

Emotional Support Animals in Hawaii Hawaii recognizes the challenges of coping with emotional or mental disabilities and has implemented laws and guidelines to safeguard the rights of ESA owners and their assistance animals. As long as you possess a valid ESA housing letter, you have the right to live anywhere in Hawaii with your emotional support animal.

Hawaii State Flag

Emotional Support Animals in Hawaii

Hawaii recognizes the challenges of coping with emotional or mental disabilities and has implemented laws and guidelines to safeguard the rights of ESA owners and their assistance animals. As long as you possess a valid ESA housing letter, you have the right to live anywhere in Hawaii with your emotional support animal.


ESA Laws in Hawaii

While service animals are legally accommodated in airline flights, workplaces, and most public places under the Air Carrier Access Act, emotional support animals do not enjoy the same legal requirements. However, you can still request accommodation for your ESA by providing your ESA letter and consulting with the respective establishment.


If an airline refuses your ESA, they can fly with you as a regular pet, subject to airline policies and fees. Alternatively, you may consider training your emotional support animal as a psychiatric service animal to ensure accommodation on any flight.


It's important to note that ESAs entering Hawaii must undergo quarantine, unlike service animals. However, housing providers in Hawaii are required to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with service animals or emotional support animals under the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This includes waiving pet fees and restrictions, provided you have a valid ESA letter.